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Angie P. Patrick
Angie P. Patrick
Dean of Students

“The primary responsibility of a school counselor is to counsel students
to fully develop each student’s academic, career, personal, and social abilities.”
 Texas Education Code §33.006

Social-Emotional, Character & Guidance Lessons
Teaching & inspiring good character, along with ensuring positive mental health is part of educating the whole child.  Character traits such as honesty, responsibility, respect, and self-control are emphasized throughout the school year.  Social Emotional Learning lessons may include topics related to feelings, friendship, bullying, conflict resolution, violence prevention/safety, healthy lifestyles, self-control, communication skills, study skills, and decision-making.

Counseling Referral

Please contact the counselor if you have concerns about your child including:

  • Academic performance
  • Behavior
  • Sudden changes in behavior/mood
  • Family changes
  • Crisis

In addition to parents, school staff may refer a student to a counselor.  If a child is in a crisis or is visibly upset, we will do our best for the child to be seen that day by the counselor.

A confidential online “Counseling Request Form” is available as a link on the top right column of the LISD TCE Counselor webpage. 

Individual/Group Counseling

Counseling is provided on a short-term basis varying anywhere from 1-4 sessions.  If a student needs additional services, the counselor will share outside counseling agency resources with the parent.


The counselor may see a student one time without parental consent; however, consent is required for services to continue.

All sessions are kept confidential and will not be shared with others.  Exceptions are made if the student shares concerns about his/her safety or the safety of others.  School staff are required by law to report concerns of abuse or neglect.


  • ADHD/ADD Screening
  • Dyslexia Screening
  • Achievement & IQ Testing
  • Gifted & Talented Testing/Referrals
  • 504 Referrals
  • Special Education Referrals

Individual screenings/testing & referrals to special programs may be completed upon request.

Parenting Resources

School counselors offer parents support and connect them to resources as needed. 


Parenting Modules

Structure and Routines at Home

Loving Boundaries, Choice, and Positive Reinforcement for Lifelong Success

Our Little Ones & Their Big Emotions

The Power of Voice (Communication for All)